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A shift to BI as code?

Business Intelligence tools vary from "BI as code" to drag-and-drop interfaces, impacting data analysis and decision-making. Their adoption hinges on user skills, collaboration needs, and customization levels.

A shift to BI as code?

Business Intelligence (BI) tools are essential for analyzing data and making informed decisions. The approach to BI can significantly vary, especially when comparing BI tooling based on "BI as code" to drag-and-drop alternatives. The latter has been around for some time now, lets see if the tools with a new approach are going to fit in the market. How might they change the landscape?

Here are the key differences between these two approaches:

1. Development Approach

2. User Skill Set

3. Collaboration and Version Control

4. Customization and Flexibility

5. Deployment and Scalability


Choosing between "BI as code" and drag-and-drop tools depends on your team's skills, the complexity of your data, and your need for collaboration and customization. Both have their strengths and are suited to different situations.

We'll be diving deeper into BI as code, especially focusing on tools like, in future articles on Stay tuned!